Contents: About the Collection | Tech

About the Collection

This digital collection of archival materials showcases the history of the Hilltop Garden and Nature Center in Bloomington, Indiana. The creation of this digital library is inspired by the 75th Anniversary of the Hilltop Garden and Nature Center and aims to share some of the uniquely made marketing materials used by Hilltop as well as photographs of the gardening. The founder of Hilltop, Dr. Barbara Shalucha was a faculty member in the Indiana University botany department and built the garden as a youth-work centered community garden that collaborated with the city of Bloomington and Indiana University.

For a more in-depth background and history of the Hilltop Garden and Nature Center, view the document below.

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Historical Overview of Hilltop, Bloomington Youth Garden-Nature Center

Metadata Standards

The creation of this collection’s metadata standards were completely customized for the use of archival research and reference. When individuals look at an item on this site, they will know exactly what box the archival item is stored in or where the digital image is stored. Additionally, the rights statements and preferred citations on each item is intended to help visitors utilize these records for their own use and be able to cite the copyright owners and respect the intellectual property provided by the Hilltop collections.

About the Staff

Jo Otremba is a Master of Library Science graduate student at Indiana University Bloomington. Jo works at the Indiana University Archives and was inspired to use this collection after seeing the beautiful drawings on the newsletters, publications, and brochures. Jo was interested in working on this project because of their background in youth work and general interest in gardening and historical combatting of food insecurity through community efforts.


Thank you to the Indiana University Archives for allowing the use of these materials. These materials were found through the Indiana University Archival Photograph Collection, Collection C43: Indiana University Hilltop Garden and Nature Center records, and an accession of university publications. For more information about these collections, email

Technical Credits - CollectionBuilder

This digital collection is built with CollectionBuilder, an open source framework for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that is developed by faculty librarians at the University of Idaho Library following the Lib-Static methodology.

The site started from the CollectionBuilder-GH template which utilizes the static website generator Jekyll and GitHub Pages to build and host digital collections and exhibits.

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Technical Specifications
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